Year End Social and Awards 2021

Last night the Fammingos had our year-end social and awards ceremony. Big thanks to the always fabulous Mr. Javie’s Dad for barbecuing and hosting! Here were are big winners for the night:

Biggest Hit – George Newbold
Winged Flamingo – Oliver Nguyen
Best Dummy Move – Nick Carline
Most Traveled – Thomas Jackson
Sponsor Award – Zach Jones
Just a Really Cool Rugger – James Amendola

Thank you for everyone who turned out last night to have a beer!

And with the social over, all that’s left to say is RSVP the 2021 Texas Rugby 7’s Season. Thank you to all the wives/husbands/significant others/kids who let your guys go out and play rugby this season. Thanks to our sponsor – Houston CBD Supply. Thanks to everyone who let us whore out on their teams, and thanks to everyone who whored out on our teams. And especially thanks to our Fammigos Players! Welcome to the Flock!

We are already working to plan for the 2022 Rugby 7’s Season. Keep an eye on this website or follow us on Facebook for more details!

Bloodfest 2021 Recap

Winning one match against the New York Big Dogs, and loosing to Huns III and Grand Prairie, we didn’t quite make it out of Social Side Pool Play.

We did win our Consolation Match against San Antonio II, but they may have been because we bought the ref a beer. It never hurts to be friendly to your ref.

We had a couple injuries, including Nick, Glenn, and Oliver. Thank you guys for playing your heart out for us!

Thank you Rugby Ninja for making our jerseys happen! They came out super awesome!

We’re going to Bloodfest!

We’re all signed up for the Bloodfest 7’s Social Side happening June 19th up in Austin, Texas.

Bloodfest is probably one of the largest 7’s tourneys in the United States with teams coming from all over. The last few years the tourney has been held in at the Round Rock at there big complex up there.

If you’re in the Houston area and are looking for a team to play with at Bloodfest, let us know!